Network Security

Table of Contents

Specialised in financial security solutions
Official resources
Useful resources
Security departments of some companies
Security Courses


The TIS internet firewall toolkit by Trusted Information Systems. I've implemented one at home.
SSL and applications by T. J. Hudson and E. A. Young. There is a patch available for the Apache webserver that makes it 'speak' https. Sometimes available at home.
screend by Paul Vixie.
Socks by the NEC Network Systems Laboratory.
Secure Shell Remote Login and Copy Program. I use this to publish my WWW-pages and to login on the UNIX box of my ISP, so my password is not transmitted over the Net in plaintext. Telnet and the BSD r* commands are not an option anymore!
F-Secure by DataFellows is a ssh client for the M$ Wintendo platform.
SmartGate by V-One.
Pretty Good Privacy by Phil Zimmermann commercial and freeware.
Several tools and papers by Wietse Venema. These include SATAN, TCP wrapper, Chrootuid and Portmap. A probably more secure MTA than sendmail is his Postfix (though sendmail isn't that bad these days).
Network Flight Recorder a tool to monitor networks and analyze the results. Made by: Marcus J. Ranum.
Nessus tests over 400 vulnerabilities for you and generates beautiful output in LATEX.
Nmap tells you the open ports and operating system of a host on the Net.


"Practical UNIX and Internet Security" by Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford (gift from janw)

"Sendmail" (the Bat book) by Bryan Costales with Eric Allman

"DNS and BIND" (the Cricket book) by Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu

"Programming Perl" (the Camel book) by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Randal L. Schwartz

"TCP/IP Illustrated" (volumes 1, 2 and 3) by Gary R. Wright and W. Richard Stevens

"Halting the Hacker, a Practical Guide to Computer Security" by Donald L. Pipkin

"Firewalls and Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker" by William R. Cheswick and Steven M. Bellovin

"Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems" by Fred Halsall (UTwente CS course)

"Building Internet Firewalls" by D. Brent Chapman & Elizabeth D. Zwicky

"Distributed System" edited by Sape Mullender (UTwente CS course)

"Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter

"The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (the picture is of the Second Edition, but I have the First)

"Applied Cryptography" by Bruce Schneier (the disk is here)

"Cracking DES" by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (scanned version here)

"The design of the UNIX operating system" by Maurice J. Bach

"UNIX network programming" by W. Richard Stevens

"Code Breakers - The inside story of Bletchley park" edited by F. H. Hinsley and Alan Stripp

"Computer Networks" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

"The Code Breakers - The comprehensive history of secret communication from ancient times to the Internet" by David Kahn

"Postscript Language Tutorial and Cookbook" (the Blue book) by Adobe Systems Incorporated

"Postscript Language Reference Manual" (the Red book) by Adobe Systems Incorporated (I have an earlier Edition than the one on the picture)

"Principles of Compiler Design" (the Green Dragon book) by Alfred V. Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman (UTwente CS course)

"Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" (the Red Dragon book) by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman

"Computer Organization and Programming, VAX-11" by Souhail El-Asfouri, Olin Johnson and Willis K. King

"VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures" by Lawrence J. Kenah, Ruth E. Goldberg, Simon F. Bate

"Introduction to the PDP-11 and it's Assembly Language" by Thomas S. Frank (gift from Frank)

"Fundamentals of Operating Systems" by A. M. Lister (UTwente CS course)

"Operating Systems, Advanced Concepts" by Maekawa, Oldehoeft, Oldehoeft (UTwente CS course)

the complete rainbow series of "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Seventh Edition" by Bell Laboratories

some books about the Motorola 68k family, hardware and assembly programming

"The TEXbook" by Donald E. Knuth

"LaTEX, A Document Preparation System, User's Guide and Reference Manual" by Leslie Lamport

"Analysis and design of parallel algorithms based on partial order semantics for functional languages" by Duco H. Fijma

"The Use of Functional Programming in Software Development" by Stef Joosten

"Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

"Operating System Design: The XINU Approach, Vol. I" by Douglas Comer

"The Art of Computer Programming", Vol 1-3 by Donald Knuth

"The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System" by Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman

"Introduction to Functional Programming" by R. Bird and P. Wadler (UTwente CS course)

"Biochemistry" by Lubert Stryer (UTwente CT course)

"Physiology" by Robert A. Berne and Matthew N. Levy (UTwente CT course)

"Lions' Commentary on Unix: With Source Code" by John Lions

"A Quarter Century of Unix" by Peter H. Salus

"The Complete Book of Locks and Locksmithing" by Bill Phillips

"Secrets and Lies" by Bruce Schneier

"Military and Civilian Pyrotechnics" by Herbert Ellern

"Secrets of Lock Picking"

"Fireworks: The Art, Science, and Technique" by Takeo Shimizu

"Definitive Guide to Lego Mindstorms" by Dave Baum

"The Unofficial Guide to Lego Mindstorms" by Jonathan B. Knudsen

"The Hitchhiker Trilogy" by Douglas Adams

"Internet Routing Architectures" by Bassam Halabi, Danny McPherson

"Routing in the Internet" by Christian Huitema

"JavaScript" by David Flanagan

"The physics of Star Trek" by Lawrence Krauss and Stephen Hawking

"Hacking exposed"

"ISP Survival Guide: Strategies for Running a Competitive ISP" by Geoff Huston

"Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern" by Douglas R. Hofstadter

"BGP" by Iljitsch van Beijnum

"The Cathedral & the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond

"Database Nation" by Simpson Garfinkel

"The Practice of Programming" by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike

"De Snuffelstaat" by Buro Jansen en Janssen

"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman. Adventures of a curious character." by Richard P. Feynman, Ralph Leighton, Edward Hutchings

"Six Easy Pieces" by Richard P. Feynman

"Six Not- So- Easy Pieces. Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry and Space- Time." by Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands

"The First Computers: History and Architectures (History of Computing)" by Raul Rojas, Ulf Hashagen

"Honeypots. Tracking Hackers." by Lance Spitzner

"Practical Cryptography." by Niels Ferguson

"Programming Python. Solutions for Python Programmers." by Mark Lutz

"Learning Python." by Mark Lutz and David Ascher

"The Design of Rijndael. The Wide Trail Strategy (Information Security and Cryptography)" by Joan Daemen, Vincent Rijmen

"Building Secure Software" by John Viega, Gary McGraw, Gary MacGraw

"Star Trek Cookbook" by Ethan Phillips, William J. Birnes

"Linked: The New Science of Networks" by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

"CyberShock: Surviving Hackers, Phreakers, Identity Thieves, Internet Terrorists and Weapons of Mass Disruption" by Winn Schwartau

"Know Your Enemy." by the Honeynet Project

"The Mythical Man Month. Essays on Software Engineering." by Frederick P. Brooks

"The Art of Deception. Controlling the Human Element of Security." by Kevin D. Mitnick - I also have the real first chapter.

Thanks to Amazon for the images.


Jan Wortelboer
Arne Helme
Edwin Kremer
Dan Farmer: satan, COPS, tct
Wietse Z. Venema: tcpwrapper, postfix, satan, tct
Bill Cheswick
Sape Mullender
Bruce Schneier: did humiliating analisys of the M$ PPTP protocol, also see bookshelf
Steven M. Bellovin
Donald L. Pipkin: see bookshelf
Marcus J. Ranum created the DEC gatekeeper, some firewalls and the NFR
Phil Zimmerman is the author of PGP
Tim J. Hudson and Eric A. Young made the SSLeay cryptographic library on which OpenSSL is based
Simson Garfinkel
Gene Spafford: see bookshelf
D. Brent Chapman: see bookshelf
Elizabeth D. Zwicky: see bookshelf
Brian W. Kernighan, Ken Thompson and Dennis M. Ritchie created UNIX and the C programming language
Gary R. Wright: see bookshelf
W. Richard Stevens: see bookshelf
Fyodor: nmap
Avi Rubin
Casper Dik: many Solaris security patches and tools
Fred Cohen: the deception toolkit
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: author of network and operating system books and minix
Piet Beertema: father of the Internet in The Netherlands
Solar Designer: linux security patches


Zergo (merged with Baltimore)
Mustard Research
Concord Eracom (also for the 'Score' cryptographic library)
Dumb Mouse Universal Chipcard Reader
No Wires Needed, the site of the wireless, for secure wireless network solutions
Security Dynamics for user authentication, etc.
Towitoko for smart card readers (works also with Linux, software here)
Schlumberger for smart cards, -readers and finger print scanners

Specialised in financial security solutions

Brokat Systeme
fun communications GmbH
Security First

Official resources

Computer Emergency Response Team
Secure Computing Corporation
Vulnerabilities database
xforce of Internet Security Systems
OpenBSD Security Views A
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
Internet Engineering Task Force: Security Area and IPSEC
Computer Incident Advisory Capability
NetBSD and Security
Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology
Secure Networks Inc.
Great Circle Associates
Security Focus (home of bugtraq, incidents and information warfare forums)
Site Security Handbook (RFC 2196)
Huygens Project
Smartcard Developer Association
The TIS fwtk maintainers

Useful resources

Rootshell, where you can find many exploit and DoS scripts
Fyodor's playhouse, home of NMAP
Computer Underground Society , a major cypto software distributor
Hacking in Progress
Hacker news
Societé Anonyme Botage
[8lgm]  (8 little green men?)
Hollands Hacken
2600 Magazine
The L0pht,  home of Mudge(nski Von Splat) and Rogue Agent
Fred Cohen's deception toolkit
't Klaphek
Hack-Tic Magazine Archive, tijdschrift voor techno-anarchisten
Phrack, with the legendary E911 document in volume 24
Info war
German pseudo elite
Chaos Communication Camp, which is organised by the Chaos Computer Club
Nederlands security nieuws.

A Security departments of some companies

Internet MCI (Cable and Wireless these days)
Sun microsystems
Telstra Corporation
Digital Equipment
Silicon Graphics

Security courses

List of crypto and security courses by Avi Rubin
Sun Netherlands

comp.risks (my favourite)


 Only a sample
 NetBSD security mailinglist and web page
 firewall wizards
 bugtraq, incidents and information warfare full info and full disclosure

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NetSec / / created 2-Feb-1998 / last change 27-Jul-2004